
The links below will take you to a range of helpful resources connected to SMRC programs


SMRC Implementation and Fidelity Manual (2022): All about how to start and maintain SMRC’s programs and requirements to do so

Guide to the SMRC Website: How-to guide on navigating and on using tools on the SMRC website (Sep 2022).

Bibliography: Links to 30 years articles about the program published in professional journals.

Program Materials: Professional and consumer education materials that support our programs, available in a variety of formats.

Frequently Used Tools: Various resources that are most requested

Recordings of SMRC Informational Webinars and Videos of Interest: Videos of our informational webinars and others that are of interest to those implementing SMRC programs.

Evaluation Tools:  Self-administered scales (in English and Spanish) for those with chronic diseases. Materials are free, thanks to funding from the National Institute of Nursing Research.

Facilitator Skills Videos:  These free videos help trainers learn or refresh their presentation and group dynamic skills.

Forms Downloads and Links: One stop for the forms and items you need as an SMRC trainer or licensee.

Language and International Options: Information on international manuals available to support our programs.

SMRC Logos:  Download our logos to use in your promotional material.

Most Recent Manual Dates and Information:  A list of current dates for SMRC manuals and download links for revised (November 2018) food label pages and handout

Organizations search tips

Click on the "Sponsoring LICENSED organizations legal name" field and find your organization in the dropdown loaded.

When the dropdown is opened you can type some letters in your keyboard to filter the list by organization name.

If you cannot find your organization legal name keep the field empty and follow the instructions or send a message to the admininstrators staff.
